very cool
Very funny, liked it a lot, good anim & good humour
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very cool
Very funny, liked it a lot, good anim & good humour
Nice work
Simple and effctive, fully agree with ya sentiments
Thank you for your review.
Yep, that Bush guy sure makes my job easy!
Fully agree, history proved you right
Fully agree, history proves you right, inequalities create an unworkable system in any long view of history, WITHOUT fail.
Glad you agree. I can only hope that the American people will realize that legislation written for the largest corporate contributors of campaign funds is not part of the democracy we're so vehemently proud of.
Very funny
funny work. George Bush Sucks
Brilliant work
Great work on this, love the style of it, the sentiment is well expressed and VERY creative use of animation and sound. I'm sure there's people that decided it wasn't "slick" enough for them but I've sen very smooth and hip animations that look great but say absoloutely NOTHING. This rocks.
Nice work, well said.
Nice work, the more people that realize how things actually occured, the less likely they are to happen again. Although while YeeHaw Georgie's still in Power, it's probably the opposite.
"He who dies with the most toys, is none the less, DEAD"
Age 55, Male
Graphic Design, Art
SmokinGetYa High
Gold Coast , Australia
Joined on 4/5/04